Gambling behavior of college students

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2004-2-20 · Journal of Gambling Studies, Vol. 20, No. 1, Spring ( 2004) Indicated Prevention of Problem Gambling Among College Students Ruby Y. Takushi Clayton Neighbors Mary E. Larimer Ty W. Lostutter Jessica M. Cronce G. Alan Marlatt University of Washington This research provides a brief qualitative description of the development of an indi-

College Students' Gambling Behavior: When Does It ... - ERIC Objective: The authors investigated behavioral indicators of pathological gambling in a college student sample. Participants and Methods: The authors administered a diagnostic interview for pathological gambling to 159 college students, who also completed a demographic questionnaire, and a self-report measure of psychological distress. Gambling and Problem Gambling Prevalence Among College ... | GAMBLING AND PROBLEM GAMBLING PREVALENCE AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS IN FLORIDA exeCUTIVe sUMMaRY This is the first study that focuses specifically on the gambling behavior of Florida college students. In total, 2,020 students (648 male; 1362 female) (10 students failed to indicate their gender) were surveyed from

Internet gambling and risk-taking among students: An ... - Core

Problem Gambling among College Students Problem Gambling among College Students Research has demonstrated that problem gambling is prevalent among college students. The vast majority of individuals can gamble without experiencing ill effects, yet nearly 8% of college students may develop a gambling problem. Gambling has become an acceptable form of leisure on college campuses.

College Gambling Facts and Statistics

Gambling behavior among Macau college and university ... There is a paucity of research on gambling behavior among the college and university students in Macau where legalized gambling is widely available and accessible. Macau is famed as the Las Vegas of the East. There were 36 casinos in such a small city of only 30.4 square meters in 2015. Environmental Correlates of Gambling Behavior Among ... PDF | This study explored the relation between gambling behavior among college students and the perceived environment, the component of problem behavior theory (Jessor & Jessor, 1977) that ... College Students' Gambling Behavior: When Does It Become ... Objective: The authors investigated behavioral indicators of pathological gambling in a college student sample. Participants and Methods: The authors administered a diagnostic interview for pathological gambling to 159 college students, who also completed a demographic questionnaire, and a self-report measure of psychological distress. Results: Consistent patterns of gambling behavior ...

In addition to questions on gambling behavior, students were surveyed on alcohol and drug use, sexual activity, family relationships, self-esteem, dieting, and other adolescent- related issues. The gambling questions focused on frequency, types of activity, and gambling problems.

The gambling behavior of college students at a midwestern Get this from a library! The gambling behavior of college students at a midwestern university. [Geoffrey J Mertens] Gambling And Risk Taking Behavior Among University Students

Publications - Gambling - The University of Memphis

Trends in Gambling Behavior among College Student ... - Trends in Gambling Behavior among College Student-. Athletes: A Comparison of 2004 and 2008 NCAA Survey Data. N.Will Shead,1 Jeffrey L. Derevensky,2 ... College Students' Gambling Behavior: When Does It Become Harmful?